New version of YTM-DLP has arrived!

I’ve added abilities to change output file format and choose whether or not to sort them,
plus some tweaks to the css file of the index page to make it scale properly.

Formats are limited to the ones yt-dlp allow to use namely:

  • mp3
  • flac
  • opus
  • m4a

There are several more, but they do not support album covers, so I didn’t include them.

Sorting. There are two options None and Strict:

  • None means, there will be no order to files, obviousy, just like before.

  • Strict means, the track field of each file’s metadata will be filled with a number representing it’s position in a playlist or an ablum.

It is recomeneded to use .exe file for installation, since it makes updating the app as easy as opening one file.
If you already have installed the app using .exe file to update it just run the .exe file of the new version.